College Horrors, a review of Houses of Horror: Secrets of the College Greek Life
I’ve never been to college in the way people may think. What I mean by that is I’ve never had the real “college experience” everyone talks about. I didn’t live in a dorm, have roommates, go through the “freshman fifteen” or join any Sorority. The latter always seemed like such a blast to be a part of. Partying all the time, a group of girls that would be your ‘sister’s’ for life. Have your back and be there for you. That’s how I also viewed Fraternities. A bad ass group up upstanding guys/men who are gentleman. They look out for the girls, as well as the guys who party with them or who are part of their club.
After watching this show, this could not be further from the truth. Houses of Horror: Secrets of the College Greek Life shows what TRULY happens in the Greek life world. The ugly, dark, sinister, painful underbelly of what happens when you pledge to be in one of these Frat houses.
We all are aware that hazing is a monumental part of getting inducted into these clubs if you will. When we think of hazing, I’m sure most of us think that its just harmful tasks that you did when you were in middle school or high school. Or things you did when you had sleepovers. (Did guys really have sleepovers in middle school/high school. Eh..I digress). Prank call a food joint, pants someone etc. Silly things. Oh no. Silly hazing is definitely what is not happening. The type of hazing that goes on in these fraternities is RECKLESS, DANGEROUS, HARMFUL AND CRIMINAL.
The worst part about it, is that these Greek houses are so protected from ramifications due to the fact that these houses/parties are off of college campus. It’s a separate entity that is regulated by different rules and conduct that the college has. This allows them to sadly get away with the things that they do. The pact these guys have is almost like the police force. We all know how they protect one another. Cover for each other. Lie for each other. That’s how they are in these frat houses. Whenever someone has gotten seriously hurt, and in some cases, died from being hazed, everyone is texting everyone else who may have been a witness to keep their mouths closed. Get their stories straight. They go to great lengths to clean up the scene BEFORE calling the police…if they even choose to even do that. Thankfully every frat house is equipped with security cameras. So in almost every case I’ve watched, they have been able to go back to look at the footage in order to get an idea of what happened. Even with that, nine times out of ten these individuals may get a year and a half in jail or probation. I have not seen an episode yet where someone has had to do serious time for practically killing someone, and in one case, killed someone by their hazing.
I used to wish I would have had that college experience. I’d wish that I could have been in a Sorority. Met a cool group of girls who’d be my friends for life. Gone to a frat party. But not anymore.
With all of that being said, I would recommend this show. Maybe it could be a warning to anyone wanting to join the Greek Life.
By Zahra S. Ingersoll
